the man behind the mask
Hello world! My name is Pedro J. Fernandez but most people know me by Jezel or Je.
I'm a software engineer from Morovis, Puerto Rico but currently living in the US. I love solving problems and software is the most enjoyable way for me to do that.
I have experience in the following areas with no particular order: robotics, iOS tweaks, autonomous driving, computer vision,
embedded systems, web, machine learning, etc.
climbing the ladder
I completed my Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus. Here I learned my hardware and software foundations.
I received my Masters of Science degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The Ohio State University. I focused in the intersection between computer vision, autonomous driving, and simulation.
This is where I am at right now. Learning to live a life (whatever that means) and improve myself in every aspect.
"Build a life, not a resume" — Jay Shetty
where I have worked
Joined the Convenience and Groceries (CnG) Fulfillment Quality team. Working in the Consumer and Dasher iOS apps.
I worked as a teaching assistant for the ECE5553 Autonomy in Vehicles graduates course where I hosted office hours, graded students assignments and any other course related task.
Utilized natural language processing (NLP) techniques to predict possible fixes for crashes based on events, call stacks, errors, etc. and previous change requests.
Automated post-processing video analysis by utilizing computer vision and image processing techniques such as feature extraction and matching and object detection.
Developed a multithreaded framework with distributed computing capabilities to enable large scope data parsing and analysis of Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) to identify optimizations.
Updated and tested legacy software of an Embedded Global Positioning System/Intertial Navigation System (EGI) in Ada programming language.
things I have built